Monday, February 08, 2010

30 Days of Beauty

Emotional stress takes so much out of me! It's been a rough weekend and I feel like I've got nothing left to start my week with... yech. So I'm taking this opportunity to remember the beautiful things. Bluebirdbaby has started
30 Days of Beauty

So I'm going to join her quest to remember that spring is coming!

And while today's photos certainly aren't as beautiful as hers, they spoke peace into my life this morning. And that's the point.

So actually on my to-do list today is to enjoy spending time with Anne. Since I have no energy today for two-year-old-ness, I thought I needed the reminder every time I looked at my daily docket. And I realized that Anne enjoying drawing with markers (so much more exciting than crayons, apparently :)) is a beautiful thing. To enjoy each thing you are doing, as you are doing it - that's a great thing about a kid. No worrying about the next thing - just enjoying the present. 

And it's snowing today. Again. And it's February 8. Can you tell I'm not that excited about it? But thinking about the 30 days of beauty, I was reminded that I'm lucky to live somewhere in the city where I get to look at trees. Trees are very important to me! And trees are beautiful covered in a blanket of new white snow. So this is the view from my front porch.

And I'm going to relax and remember that the laundry will always be waiting for me and choose to focus on Anne. We'll both be happier.


carra said...

Thanks for those good reminders, Melodie. There is much peace to be found in watching kids play-- even more peace when we manage to enter into that world with them, eh? :) I hope you girls are having a good day!

jennylou said...

Thank you for this, Melodie!