Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This week

Anne discovered how to get on top of the table. She was too cute not to take a picture. :)

And look closely. Today Anne skinned her knees for the first time. Here she's waiting for band-aids.

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"There's nothing that says, There, there, everything is going to be fine, like a foot massage and fresh polish."


Read this in a book this weekend and promptly went and painted my toenails. Not as good as having it done, but hey, I do feel better every time I look at my pink toenails. :)

Saturday, April 18, 2009


So I like the yellow dandelion flower.  I admit it.  But I have lots growing in my flower garden.  And they've gotten BIG!  Creepy big.  :O Really.  Have you ever seen a big dandelion?  Ever looked at it?!  Scary!  They kind of remind me of some Star Trek alien.  Very tentacle-ly.  Yesterday they got to me so much that I had to get rid of them. Which of course is a good thing.  Anne played in the dirt while I pulled weeds and she thought it was great fun!  So it was outside fun all around.