Monday, April 17, 2006

We got up early in the morning so that we could go to an early Easter morning church service before we hit the museums for the day. We went to the Fourth Presbyterian Church in downtown Chicago. Abosolutely beautiful architecture. This is a picture Ben took Friday night of the church. Except for the Old Water Tower, which survived the Great Chicago fire, the church is the oldest building on Michigan Avenue north of the river. Inside and out, most everything is original. The service was nice. They sang two Charles Wesley Easter hymns, which I wasn't thinking we'd sing, it being a Presbyterian church. Mostly classical music. They had a brass ensemble and organist accompanying the choir. They sang several pieces from the end of Handel's Messiah. The organist was very good. He played several pieces as a prelude and postlude. Needless to say, I enjoyed the service experience. Posted by Picasa

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